How To Choose Your Wedding Ceremony Music – A Pianist’s Tips

Here are a few tips on how to choose your wedding ceremony music:

Choosing your wedding ceremony music can be a fun experience.  Wedding season is here in the great Garden State, and, as I normally experience at this time of the year, I am getting lots of calls lately from brides about how to choose the music for their wedding ceremony. Selecting your wedding music is obviously so very important because the music is what you and your guests will remember for a long, long time after the big day.

When thinking about songs for your wedding ceremony, you just want to make sure you select music that is what I call ‘wedding appropriate’, and use songs that you would not mind listening to in 20 or 30 years. This is especially true if you intend to record your music selections for your guests as a special keepsake wedding favor, which is something unique that I offer for my clients.

Songs that are wedding appropriate are the ones that are suitable in terms of the music AND their lyrics. For instance, there are many songs that have beautiful melodies. But, if the lyrics to those songs involve a guy losing his girl to some other guy or a girl who falls in love with her guy’s best friend, you’ll want to avoid those at all costs. I know this sounds like common sense, and it is to a great extent, but I run into this issue quite often and sometimes have to bring the couple getting married a dose of reality regarding their music selections. And certainly often enough to bring up in this blog.

Keep in mind that many of the songs you may choose for your wedding ceremony can be interchangeable with different portions of your wedding ceremony. For instance, some songs can be commonly appropriate for the Prelude 10-20 minutes prior to the ceremony while your guests are being seated) as well as the Interlude (any portion of the General Ceremony).

Some tunes can be done for the Processional (segment that heralds the beginning of the ceremony), as well as the Interlude, and the Recessional (portion that completes the ceremony). But also remember that some songs are specifically designed for certain parts of the ceremony as well.

Common sense plays a big part here, and you should relish the process to enjoy choosing the songs that you and your fiancé really desire for your wedding music. After all, it’s your day and no one else’s.

Talking to an experienced music professional while you choose your wedding ceremony music is always a great idea. Pick his or her brain for music recommendations and you’ll always be the winner. People call me or email me on a daily basis to bounce ideas off of me. I even have a wedding ceremony music guide available.

Taking care of your wedding ceremony music choices early in the process will give you one less thing to worry about for the big day!

Choosing your wedding ceremony music…where to start? Call Arnie at 732-995-1082.


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